Friday, January 16, 2015

God's Message on 01/16/2015 Love God and Your Neighbor or God's Judgment?

Congress and the Public (Approval Rating)

What is God’s approval rating of the people of the United States of America?

What actions are you going to take in loving God and your neighbor? 
Do something to avoid God's Judgment!

Matthew 22:36-40 New International Version (NIV)

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied:

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 

This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it:

‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Romans 13:9-11 New International Version (NIV)

The commandments,

“You shall not commit adultery,”

“You shall not murder,”

“You shall not steal,”

“You shall not covet,”

and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command:

“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

The Day Is Near

And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.

Unbelievers or New BelieversScriptures taken from the Holy Bible [1]

Isaiah 13:18-20 New International Version (NIV)

Their bows will strike down the young men; they will have no mercy on infants, nor will they look with compassion on children. Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, the pride and glory of the Babylonians, will be overthrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah. She will never be inhabited or lived in through all generations; there no nomads will pitch their tents, there no shepherds will rest their flocks.

Unbelievers or New BelieversScriptures taken from the Holy Bible [1]

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Make time to evaluate the below legislation based in the stated commandments from God!

Congressional Actions in 2015:

Active Legislation

114th Congress (2015-2016)
Updated January 12, 2015

Bills that may receive floor action this week.
Senate chamber
Keystone XL pipeline S.1 H.R.3
House chamber
FY 2015 Homeland Security, through September 30, 2015 H.R.240

Popular Titles and Subjects
K — Active Legislation
Keystone XL pipeline S.1 H.R.3
T — Active Legislation
Terrorism risk insurance H.R.26

Popular Documents
(You will leave the Senate server when using these links; use the "back" button to return to Active Legislation from these sites.)
Budget, FY2015

Public Laws, 114th Congress (selected)

indicates a public law
*Many bills exist, but this bill is currently receiving legislative attention.
Bills in ITALICS received attention in the last week or may receive floor action this week.
BOLD bill numbers indicate advanced legislative action.
Bills that did not pass have been struck through.
V indicates a veto.

Congressional Actions in 2013-14:

Active Legislation

113th Congress (2013-2014)
Updated December 30, 2014

A — Active Legislation
Abortion, ban after 20 weeks S.886, S.1670 H.R.1797
Abortion, prohibit taxpayer funding S.946 H.R.7
 Air traffic controllers H.R.1765 P.L.113-9
Assault weapons S.150 H.R.437
B — Active Legislation
Background checks for firearm sales
(SEE: Gun legislation)  S.374, S.Amdt.715 to S.649 H.R.21, H.R.137
C — Active Legislation
Campaign finance, disclosure requirements H.R.148
Cybersecurity H.R.624, H.R.756, H.R.967, H.R.1163
D — Active Legislation
 Debt limit, suspend until May 19, 2013 H.R.325 P.L.113-3
Debt limit, suspend until December 31, 2014 S.1569  
 Debt limit, suspend until February 7, 2014 Div.B, H.R.2775 P.L.113-46
 Debt limit, suspend until March 15, 2015 S.540 P.L.113-83
Debt limit suspension, resolution of disapproval S.J.Res.26 H.J.Res.99
E — Active Legislation
ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act)  S.815 H.R.1755
Energy Efficiency S.2262   
F — Active Legislation
 Farm bill H.R.2642 P.L.113-79
Food stamps (SEE: SNAP)   
 Furloughed Federal employees, retroactive pay Sec. 115-16, H.R.2775 P.L.113-46

G — Active Legislation

H — Active Legislation

Health care law, authorize lawsuits against the Obama Administration H.Res.676
Health care overhaul, delay individual health coverage mandate S.1671 H.R.3348, H.R.3425
 Highway Trust Fund H.R.5021 P.L.113-159
 Hurricane Sandy, increase Flood Insurance borrowing authority H.R.41 P.L.113-1

I — Active Legislation

Immigration reform S.744
Internet sales tax S.743 H.R.684
Iran sanctions S.1881 H.R.850

K — Active Legislation

Keystone XL Pipeline S.2280 H.R.3, H.R.5682

M — Active Legislation

 Medicare "doc fix", extend through March 31, 2014 Div. B, H.J.Res.59 P.L.113-67
Medicare "doc fix", repeal SGR and replace with new system S.1871, S.2110, S.2157* H.R.2810, H.R.4015
 Medicare "doc fix", extend through March 31, 2015 H.R.4302 P.L.113-93
 Military, repeal cut in pension COLA for veterans under 62 S.25 P.L.113-82
Minimum wage, increase the Federal minimum wage S.460, S.1737 H.R.1010, H.R.3746

N — Active Legislation

No Child Left Behind, revise and reauthorize S.1094 H.R.5

P — Active Legislation

Pay freeze for Federal and Congressional employees, extend through December 31, 2013 H.R.273
Pay of Members of Congress, eliminate automatic adjustment S.65 H.R.134, H.R.196
 Pay of Members of Congress, hold in escrow if budget resolution not adopted by April 15, 2013 H.R.325 P.L.113-3
 Plastic firearms, extend ban H.R.3626 P.L.113-57
Postal Service, reform H.R.2748

S — Active Legislation

Sequester, replace S.388, S.16  
Senate rules, changes related to bipartisan cloture motions and conference motions S.Res.16  
Senate rules, changes related to motions to proceed, amendments and nominations S.Res.15

Senate rules, cloture invoked with less than a three-fifths majority S.Res.5  
 Stolen Valor H.R.258 P.L.113-12
Straw purchases of firearms (SEE: Gun legislation) S.54 H.R.404
 Student loans, set and fix interest rates on loans disbursed on or after July 1, 2013 H.R.1911 P.L.113-28
Syria, authorize the use of force S.J.Res.21 

T — Active Legislation

 TANF, extend the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program through September 30, 2013
Sec. 1522, H.R.933 P.L.113-6
TANF, extend the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program through December 31, 2013 Sec. 3, H.R.890
 Tax extenders, one year extension of expired tax breaks H.R.5771 P.L.113-295
Tax extenders, vehicle for H.R.3474

U — Active Legislation

Unemployment compensation, extend through March 31, 2014 S.1845 
Unemployment compensation, extend through June 30, 2014 S.2077 
Unemployment compensation, extend through May 31, 2014 S.2148 
Unemployment compensation extension, vehicle for H.R.3979

V — Active Legislation

VA Accountability S.2013 H.R.4031
 Veterans Health Care, Ensuring Access to H.R.3230* P.L.113-146
Voting Rights Act, amend S.1945 H.R.3899

W — Active Legislation

Welfare waivers, prohibit HHS from granting a waiver relating to compliance with the work requirements

Sec. 2, H.R.890

 Defense, FY2014 H.R.3304 P.L.113-66
 Defense, FY 2015 H.R.3979 P.L.113-291
Export-Import Bank S.2709
FEMA, through FY 2016 H.R.3300
 Intelligence, FY2014 S.1681 P.L.113-126
Intelligence, FY2015 H.R.4661
 Intelligence, FY2014 and FY2015 H.R.4681 P.L.113-293
NASA, FY2014 H.R.4412

 Child Care and Development Block Grant, through FY 2020 S.1086 P.L.113-186
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Action Program), through FY 2016 H.R.3102
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Action Program), through FY 2018 H.R.2642
Surface transportation programs, through FY 2020 S.2322  
 Trafficking Victims Protection, FY 2014-2017 Subtitle C, S.47 P.L.113-4
 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), through FY 2018  S.47 P.L.113-4
 Water Resources Development (WRDA or WRRDA) H.R.3080 P.L.113-121

More information available on the appropriations web page.
Agriculture S.1244 H.R.2410
 Budget resolution, FY 2014 Div. A, H.J.Res.59 P.L.113-67
Commerce, Justice, Science S.1329 H.R.2787
Defense S.1429 H.R.2397
Energy and Water S.1245 H.R.2609
Financial Services S.1371 H.R.2786
 FY 2013 Consolidated and Further Continuing appropriations (Contains separate divisions related to Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs appropriations.) H.R.933 P.L.113-6
 FY 2013 Supplemental appropriations, Hurricane Sandy disaster assistance H.R.152 P.L.113-2
 FY 2014 Consolidated appropriations H.R.3547 P.L.113-76
FY 2014 Continuing appropriations, through December 15, 2013 (Bill became vehicle for the budget resolution. It is no longer a continuing appropriations bill.)  H.J.Res.59
 FY 2014 Continuing appropriations, through January 15, 2014 Div. A, H.R.2775 P.L.113-46
 FY 2014 Continuing appropriations, through January 18, 2014 H.J.Res.106 P.L.113-73
 FY 2014 Continuing appropriations for military pay during the government shutdown H.R.3210 P.L.113-39
 FY 2014 Continuing appropriations for military death benefits H.J.Res.91 P.L.113-44
Homeland Security H.R.2217
Labor, HHS, Education S.1284
Legislative Branch S.1283 H.R.2792
Military Construction and Veterans Affairs H.R.2216
State and Foreign Operations S.1372 H.R.2855
Transportation, HUD S.1243 H.R.2610

Agriculture S.2389 H.R.4800
Budget Resolution, FY 2015 H.Con.Res.96
Commerce, Justice, State S.2437 H.R.4660
Defense H.R.4870
Energy and Water Draft H.R.4923
Financial Services Draft H.R.5016
FY 2014 Supplemental S.2648 H.R.5230
 FY 2015 Continuing Resolution, through December 11, 2014 H.J.Res.124 P.L.113-164
 FY 2015 Continuing Resolution, through December 13, 2014 H.J.Res.130 P.L.113-202
 FY 2015 Continuing Resolution, through December 17, 2014 H.J.Res.131 P.L.113-203
 FY 2015 Continuing Resolution, "Cromnibus", through September 30, 2015 (Dept. of Homeland Security funding through February 27, 2015) H.R.83 P.L.113-235
Homeland Security S.2534 H.R.4903
Interior H.R.5171
Labor, HHS, Education Draft  
Legislative Branch H.R.4487
Military Construction and Veterans Affairs H.R.4486
State and Foreign Operations S.2499 H.R.5013
Transportation, HUD S.2438 H.R.4745

(You will leave the Senate server when using these links; use the "back" button to return to Active Legislation from these sites.)
Budget, FY2014
Budget, FY2015
Recess Appointments, D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Noel Canning v. NLRB$file/12-1115-1417096.pdf
State of the Union address (given on Feb. 12, 2013)
State of the Union address (given on Jan. 28, 2014)

Air traffic controllers H.R.1765 P.L.113-9
Debt limit, suspend until May 19, 2013 H.R.325 P.L.113-3
Debt limit, suspend until February 7, 2014 Div.B, H.R.2775 P.L.113-46
Debt limit, suspend until March 15, 2015 S.540 P.L.113-83
Farm bill H.R.2642 P.L.113-79
Flood insurance, delay rate increases H.R.3370 P.L.113-89
Furloughed Federal employees, retroactive pay Sec. 115-16, H.R.2775 P.L.113-46
Highway Trust Fund H.R.5021 P.L.113-159
Hurricane Sandy, increase Flood Insurance borrowing authority H.R.41 P.L.113-1
Medicare "doc fix", extend through March 31, 2014 Div. B, H.J.Res.59 P.L.113-67
Medicare "doc fix", extend through March 31, 2015 H.R.4302 P.L.113-93
Military, repeal cut in pension COLA for veterans under 62 S.25 P.L.113-82
Pay of Members of Congress, hold in escrow if budget resolution not adopted by April 15, 2013 H.R.325 P.L.113-3
Plastic firearms, extend ban H.R.3626 P.L.113-57
Stolen Valor H.R.258 P.L.113-12
Student loans, set and fix interest rates on loans disbursed on or after July 1, 2013 H.R.1911 P.L.113-28
TANF, extend the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program through September 30, 2013 Sec. 1522, H.R.933P.L.113-6
Tax extenders, one year extension of expired tax breaks H.R.5771 P.L.113-295
Veterans Health Care, Ensuring Access to H.R.3230* P.L.113-146

indicates a public law
*Many bills exist, but this bill is currently receiving legislative attention.
Bills in ITALICS received attention in the last week or may receive floor action this week.
BOLD bill numbers indicate advanced legislative action.
Bills that did not pass have been struck through.
V indicates a veto.


1.    Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. Purchased Product License 01/09/2015


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